

Bioinsecticida formulado para controlar poblaciones de insectos como la Chicharrita de maíz.

Bioinsecticida formulado para controlar poblaciones de insectos como la Chicharrita de maíz.


Is a Liquid inoculant for winter legumes that promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmoprotective technology.


Effective and Efficient Granular Peas & Lentils Inoculant

Chickpea inoculant equipped with powerful technology 


Inoculante liofilizado para el tratamiento biológico de ensilado de forraje. Compuesto por 6 bacterias específicas que actúan como reductoras de pérdidas en silos.


Rizoliq LLI Garbanzo es un inoculante líquido, a base de bacterias Mesorhizobium ciceri.

Is a Liquid inoculant based on Bradyrhizobium sp, formulated for the cultivation of peanuts. It includes osmoprotective Technology (TOP).

Is an inoculant with bio-induced technology. It promotes the Biological Fixation of Nitrogen, even in stressful abiotic situations.


Biological fungicide for foliar application that provides greater disease control and a prolonged residual power.

Nuevo fungicida diseñado para el tratamiento de semillas de cereales de invierno.

Microgranular Fertilizer

Vitagrow TS offers four benefits in a single product: it is a biostimulant, anti-stress, detoxicant foliar fertilizer that contributes multinutrients.

Microstar CMB BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with biological technology, which enhances crops nutrition and adds life to the soil.

Microstar PZ BIO is the first micro-granular fertilizer in a chemical mixture associated with a biological technology, which enhances the nutrition of crops and adds life to the soil.

VitaGrow is an organic-mineral foliar fertilizer that helps increase crops productivity and sustainability.


Increases the coverage, penetration and biological activity of the herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers. Its formulation includes silicon organs, modified-refined vegetable oil, in this way offering a unique wide-range product for high quality applications.

Anti-evaporating power and penetrating product, it emulsifies the products when applied, forming a protective film, in this way reducing the evaporation and improving its reaction with the vegetable cuticles.


Optimizá los caldos de aplicación. Evitá que las mezclas se corten y recuperá aquellas que parecían perdidas

La tranquilidad del campo empieza por tu tanque limpio


An anti evaporation product to be used accompanied by fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. It is a vegetable oil of medium to rapid rupture, emulsifiable in water. It is apt for use in fruit growth.


For more information about our company, products and points of sale, do not hesitate to contact us; we will answer your question as soon as possible.

(54) 9 02477409400

Av. Dr Arturo Frondizi 1150
Parque Industrial - Pergamino, Argentina

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